

Can two line segments be both intersecting and parallel?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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Not in Euclidean geometry, but in other geometries such lines are possible.

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Q: Can two line segments be both intersecting and parallel?
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two line segments that are not parallel are intersecting even if they don't touch like this /l / l they are considered intersecting because you must extend it like they are lines to say they are parallel or not

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Can parallel lines be line segments?

They can not be line segments on the same line, but they can both be line segments.

What are intersecting line segments?

an intersecting line segment is when two line segments cross together

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Intersecting line segments

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A cube has 12 intersecting line segments or edges, 6 faces and 8 vertices.

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In the upper case Roman alphabet they are: C, I, J, O and S. However, in the case of C, O and S, there are parts of the curved segments which are parallel.

Can two lines be both parallel and intersecting?

Not normally unless the parallel lines are intersected by a transversal line

Which geometric shape could not be drawn using both perpendicular line segments and parallel line segments?

A circle.

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Is letter X parallel line segment?

Well,actually,parallel line are lines that has two line segments,going on side by side without meating each other. example: _____________________________ _____________________________ But actually,the letter x is a intersecting line.You see,an intersecting line is a line cross,but making two obtuse,and acute angles.

Is a cross a intersecting line or a parallel line?

A cross is a pair of intersecting lines.