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Q: Can you add a constant to a vector?
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Prove that if magnitude of vector A is constant then d by dt of vector A is perpendicular to vector A.?

That is not even true!

Can you add 0 to null vector?

Yes, you can add anything to null vector.

Is constant speed constant velocity?

No. Velocity includes a direction vector, which speed does not have.

If a vector has constant direction then?

There is almost never an "IF". All non-zero vectors have a constant, specified direction. Only a zero-vector has a direction which is unspecified.

Can you add three unit vector to get a unit vector?


Can you add vector with scalar?


Can you add zero in a null vector?

Only if your zero is a null vector. You cannot add pure numbers and vectors.

Using vector to add objects and display their member variables?

import java.util.Vector; suppose-:::: test t=new test(); /**this is how we add elements to vector*/ Vector v=new Vector(); v.addElements(t);

Can vectors be added to each other?

Yes, two vectors of similar kind can be added. For example we can add a distance vector with another distance vector. But we cannot add distance vector and velocity vector.

Why is it impossible to add a scalar to a vector?

It is not impossible to add a scalar to a vector. e.g. e^ix = cos(x) + isin(x) when x is 0 the answer is a scalar, when x=90 degrees the answer is a vector, when x is not a multiple of 90 degrees the answer is the sum of a scalar and a vector. So it is only impossible to add a scalar to a vector when x is a multiple of 90 degrees, all other angles add a scalar to a vector.

Which of the clock arm rotates are constat speed or constant velocity?

Ignoring the fact that some clocks "jump", for example once a second, each of the three arms moves at constant angular velocity. The speed, in this case, is constant; the velocity is not since the direction changes. On the other hand, sometimes people use a vector to describe an angular velocity. Angular momentums add nicely with vector representation.

Can a velocity of a body change its speed is constant?

No. A body with constant velocity is either stationary or going at constant speed in a constant direction. The usual interpretation of speed and velocity goes like this. A velocity is a vector with magnitude and direction. The magnitude is usually called its speed. Changing a speed must change the length of the vector and changing the length of the velocity vector has to change the velocity.