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Q: Can you add a constant to a vector?
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Prove that if magnitude of vector A is constant then d by dt of vector A is perpendicular to vector A.?

That is not even true!

Can you add 0 to null vector?

Yes, you can add anything to null vector.

Is constant speed constant velocity?

No. Velocity includes a direction vector, which speed does not have.

If a vector has constant direction then?

There is almost never an "IF". All non-zero vectors have a constant, specified direction. Only a zero-vector has a direction which is unspecified.

Can you add three unit vector to get a unit vector?


Can you add vector with scalar?


Can you add zero in a null vector?

Only if your zero is a null vector. You cannot add pure numbers and vectors.

How do you add scalar?

To add a scalar to a vector, you simply multiply each component of the vector by the scalar and then add the results together to get a new vector. For example, if you have a vector v = [1, 2, 3] and you want to add a scalar 5 to it, you would calculate 5*v = [5, 10, 15].

Using vector to add objects and display their member variables?

import java.util.Vector; suppose-:::: test t=new test(); /**this is how we add elements to vector*/ Vector v=new Vector(); v.addElements(t);

Can vectors be added to each other?

Yes, two vectors of similar kind can be added. For example we can add a distance vector with another distance vector. But we cannot add distance vector and velocity vector.

Which of the clock arm rotates are constat speed or constant velocity?

Ignoring the fact that some clocks "jump", for example once a second, each of the three arms moves at constant angular velocity. The speed, in this case, is constant; the velocity is not since the direction changes. On the other hand, sometimes people use a vector to describe an angular velocity. Angular momentums add nicely with vector representation.

Can you add zero to a null vector?

scalar cannot be added to a vector quantity