The number 32 cannot appear as a prime factor!
32 is a factor of 96, but neither 32 nor 96 is prime.
The prime factor of 32 is: 2
The only prime factor of 32 and 64 is 2
2 is the only prime factor of 32.
32 has one prime factor: 232 has only one prime factor: 2
The only prime factor of 32 is 2.
The only prime factor of 32 is 2.
2 is the only prime factor of 32
It is 49 or 32 both of which have only one prime factor
the prime factorization of 32 is 2x2x2x2x2 and the factor tree is 32 8 4 2x4 2x2 2x2
32 has only one prime factor and it is 2