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Q: Can you get extended benefits after 6 months?
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Can 6 months be extended?

i suppose so if it is a leap year

Can you apply for unemployment benefits after receiving benefits in 2004 for 6 months?

If you have worked in the past year and a half, you probably qualify for benefits.

What is the statute of limitations for filing for unemployment benefits in Louisiana?

6 months

What are some benefits when you work at KFC?

i know harman's the original franchisers provide health benefits after 6 months

What states have the extended unemployment benefits?

Under HR3404 (2009), every state had extended benefits. See the Related Link below for details.

How long does it take to receive life insurance death benefits?

6-8 months where I live.

Is Social Security Benefits prorated if you start drawing at 64 years 6 months?


If you are currently getting extended unemployment benefits from NY if you work in Florida for 3-4 months can you still reapply in NY to continue getting unemployment?

No. Once you start working again (especially for 3 or 4 months), your unemployment stops.

How many days senior citizen can stay abroad without cutting the SSI benefits?

i think 6 months

Can unemployment benefits be used towards earned income credit?

no not in ny . unless you have worked atleast 6 months prior

Can you have a 20000 saving and receive social security benefits at 65?

if you are a Canadian and you live in Canada at least 6 months out of a year, absolutely!!!!

How long do you have to be employed in Winnipeg Manitoba to collect UIC benefits?

To qualify for UIC benefits your must be employed a minimum of 910 hours in Winnipeg, Manitoba. That is a about 6 months of full time work.