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Q: Why do some places on earth receive 6 months of daylight and then 6 months of nighttime?
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Why some places in the world have several months of daylight an others several of nighttime?

The world is tilted on an axis when it goes around the sun. That means that for 6 months of the year the top of the world is closer to the sun and the other 6 months the bottom of the world is closer. At places close to and on the poles, they experience a lack of light during their winter season because their half of the world is tilted away from the sun, and an abundance of light during the summer season, because their half of the world is tilted towards the sun.

How many hours In daylight?

Depends on where you are in Canada and what time of the year it is. You could get to places where there are 24 hours of daylight and six months later there is no daylight at all. So you can find it at any of the times in between at some point in Canada at different times of the year.

In the world which country have 6 months daylight and 6 monhts night?

Countries located within the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and parts of Alaska, experience periods of constant daylight and constant darkness, known as the midnight sun and polar night, due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

What happens on December 22?

The sun is at the tropic of Capricorn places around the tropic of Capricorn will receive sunlight . The southern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun and the and the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun . The southern hemisphere receive 6 months of daylight and the northern hemisphere receive 6 months of darkness . The southern hemisphere has long days and short night . This is called Winter solstices.

In what months of the year is the sun vertically overhead at the equator?

The sun is vertically overhead at the equator in the months March 21st to September 23rd.All places on Earth, (except at the poles) receive 12 hours of daylight (day) and 12 hours of darkness (night). Days and nights which are 12 hours long are called equinoxes.Note: Day and Night are always 12 hours long at the Equator.

Do all the places in the world experience daytime and nighttime?

well i think so

Why is it daytime in America and nighttime in China on the opposite side of the world?

Simply speaking the reason for Earth having daytime on one side and nighttime on the opposite side is this: The Sun always sends it light rays to Earth (and other places), all day, every day. So it's easy to see that the side of the Earth that is pointing toward the Sun is going to be lighted up, and we call this, "Daylight". But at the same time, what about the side of Earth that points away from the Sun? That side is not going to receive any direct light from the Sun, so that side will be dark, and we call this, "Nighttime". In between daylight and nighttime are the partially lighted times that we call "twilight". ("Dusk" is the very darkest part of twilight just before nighttime begins). So, as the Earth rotates (like a spinning ball), more and more of Earth begins to face the Sun, and on the opposite side, more and more of the Earth quits facing the Sun. This process happens all the way around Earth in a time period of one day, or 24 hours.

Why do you have day lite savings in the summer?

Daylight saving time is typically observed in the summer months to extend daylight hours in the evening and reduce the need for artificial lighting. This practice is intended to make better use of natural daylight, particularly during times when most people are awake and active.

Do the West Coast get more daylight time than the East Coast?

Places along the same line of latitude, one of the imaginary lines that circle the Earth parallel to the equator, have roughly the same amount of daylight each day. Places more south have less daylight time from March to September and more daylight time from September to March.

What is it called when all places on the earth have 12hrs of daylight and night?

equatorial equinox

Where do the lengths of daylight change the most over the year?

at places closer to the equator

Why are the number of daylight hours and darkness not the same on earth?

It depends on your location, in some places they are