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If you are rounding to the nearest tens, 320 is the answer. If you are rounding up to the nearest tens, 330 would be the answer. The difference is the word "up", which specifies that the answer will be greater than 321. The answer of 320 would be rounding down.

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Q: Can you give me the answer to how to round up 321 to the nearest tens?
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What is the value of 321 rounded up to the nearest 10?

The value of 321 rounded up to the nearest tens place is 330.

How do i Round off 321 to the nearest 10?

Put 321 into three columns: Hundreds, Tens, and units. Then you have 3 Hundreds, 2 tens and 1 unit. It therefore is 320. However, if the unit was from 5 -9, you would round the ten up to 3.

How do you round 321 to nearest hundred?

Remember, we did not necessarily round up or down, but to the hundred that is nearest to 321. First, 321 rounded to the nearest hundred is: 300 When rounding to the nearest hundred, like we did with 321 above, we use the following rules: A) We round the number up to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 50 or above. B) We round the number down to the nearest hundred if the last two digits in the number are 49 or below. C) If the last two digits are 00, then we do not have to do any rounding, because it is already to the hundred.

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The digit in the hundreds position is a 3, so we round down to give 2000 as the answer.

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If you mean 2,756,321 then it is 3,000,000 rounded to the nearest million

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What is the value of 2 on 321

What is the value of 111 ones plus 1 hundred plus 11 tens?

111 ones = 111 1 hundred = 100 11 tens = 110 Total: 321

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it is 547,000 rounded to the nearest thousand because 321 is less than 500

What is 321 rounded to the nearest 100?

It rounds to 300