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Well, yes. But, it would be bad. The tubal pregnancy is non-viable and if left alone it can kill the mother. The process of removing it may very well terminate the normal pregnancy. This is definitely an issue for your doctor.

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Q: Can you have a tubal pregnancy and a normal one at the same time one implanted in tube and one in uterus?
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Can you have a false pregnancy test with tubal pregnancy?

Most definitely, yes, you can have a false pregnancy test with tubal pregnancy. Hormones only know an egg implanted. Hormones do not know where the egg implanted.

What happens in a tubal pregnancy?

During the process of a tubal pregnancy the egg attaches itself to a place other than the uterus, most often in the fallopian tube. Once this happens, it is impossible for it to turn into a normal pregnancy.

What is pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is implanted to develop outside the uterus?

A fertilized egg which begins to develop and implants outside the uterus, is an ectopic pregnancy. It is often a medical emergency by the time it is discovered. Many ectopic pregnancies involve implantation in the Fallopian tubes, where it can also be called eccyesis or tubal pregnancy.

Can you have a baby even if you only have ovaries not a uterus?

Yes, you can have a tubal pregnancy.

What is the chances of a pregnancy going normal if you have your tubes clamped and get pregnant?

Your doctor will be able to tell if the baby is implanted in the correct place. The risk of ectopic pregnancy is 12.5% for women who have had a tubal ligation--but chances of pregnancy are much less to begin with.

What is the medical term meaning tubal pregnancy?

A tubal pregnancy is the "slang" term for ectopic pregnancy. This means the egg has attached (implanted) itself somewhere other than the uteral lining. It is very dangerous and requires immediate attention.

Why are women who had a tubal more at risk for an ectopic pregnancy?

because the fertalized egg is blocked from making it to the uterus and implants outside of the uterus

Can you artificial insemination after tubal ligition?

Yes, Tubal ligation only prevents a womans own egg from reaching her own uterus naturally. Her eggs can be retrieved by a physician and fertilized artificially (test tube fertilization)and then implanted in her uterus to obtain a normal pregnancy.A donors egg could also be used. This is of course barring any other medical problems with her reproductive system.

Can a non-viable pregnancy turn into a viable pregnancy?

There may be a chance, you should have a follow-up ultrasound if the pregnancy is IN your uterus. If it's an abdominal or ectopic(tubal) then the answer is no.

Is a tubal and ectopic pregnancy the same thing?

A normal pregnancy is when the foetus grow in the womb where it's supposed to be, whereas an ectopic pregnancy is where the foetus is growing in the fallopian tubes, this is very serious if you suspect an ectopic pregnancy go strait to you GP or nearest A&E department, Ectopic pregnancies can be potentially life threatening.

You had a tubal 3 years ago you now have a positive pregnancy test What are chances for a normal pregnancy?

The tubal ligation you had in the past, would only interfere with conception not a current pregnancy. Since you already are pregnant, the previous ligation should not cause any problem to your developing baby.Since a baby implants in the uterus and not the tube, the ligation is a non-issue with a developing fetus.

Besides a tubal reversal and adoption what are your other options for a baby and can you take an egg and your partner's sperm and have it implanted in the uterus bypassing the tied tubes?