84 is the LCM (least common multiple) of 3, 4, and 7.
LCM of 3 and 4 is 12.Multiply them. Get 12.
The LCM is 12.
If X is a multiple of 4, it will be the LCM.
I assume you mean LCM, least common multiple. The least common multiple of 3 and 4 is 12. 12 is a multiple of 3. 12 is a multiple of 4. No smaller number is a multiple of both 3 and 4.
The Lowest Common Multiple of 3 and 4 is 12. 3*4=12 4*3=12
12 is the smallest multiple of 3 and 4.
That the number is divisible by 4* and the sum of its digits is a multiple of 3. *If the number has three of more digits then it is only necessary to look at the tens and units to determine if it is divisible by 4, as 4 is a factor of 100 and therefore of any multiple of 100. Examples : 75 : is not divisible by 4 although its digits total 12 which is a multiple of 3. 132 : is divisible by 4 as 32 is divisible by 4, and its digits total 6 which is divisible by 3, then 132 is divisible by 12.