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Q: Can you please put these letters C R F N them in a sentence?
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What is the measure of A B C?

All the letters together is the fast 3 letters

What does c equal in roman letters?


What letters have a line of symmetry?

Capital letters: A, D, T, Y, U, I, O, M, B, V, C, X, H, W, E, lower case: c, i, l, m, o, v, w, x, It does depend on how you write the letters though, the ones I've put here are only for this font- different fonts have different ones aswell.

C=2xr c=25.1?

Help mr please

What are the letters for roman numerals?

These are all the letters and their value~ I(1), V(5), X(10), L(50), C(100), D(500), and M(1,000). Also, if you put a small horizontal line over any number, then you multiply it by 1,000.