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if the number is less than 5 then turn it to zero

if the number is 5 or more then add 1 to the next number

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Q: Can you show me how to round to the nearest tens and hundreds of this number 2543?
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When you round a number to the nearest thousand the hundreds tens and ones digits become zero shouldn't that mean that the rounded number is less than the original number?

Not always because 2543 rounds to 3000 but 2345 rounds to 2000

2543 rounded to the nearest ten is?

To round 2543 to the nearest ten you need to look at the numbers, we round the number UP to the nearest ten if the last digit in the number is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9. We round the number DOWN to the nearest ten if the last digit in the number is 1, 2, 3, or 4. To remember this rule I think of little rhymes, for example: "5 to nine climb the vine, 0 to four slide to the floor!". Also If the last digit is 0, then we do not have to round anything, because it is already to the ten. So the answer is 2540, Hope this helps!

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What is Round to the place value mean?

round to the place value of the bold digit of 57,294

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What number is 100 less than 2643?

2643 - 100 = 2543

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What is the phone number of the Lakota City Library in Lakota?

The phone number of the Lakota City Library is: 701-247-2543.

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The phone number of the Overton Community Library is: 308-987-2543.

What is the phone number of the Curious Kids Museum in Saint Joseph Michigan?

The phone number of the Curious Kids Museum is: 269-983-2543.