what is the prime factorization of 1260
The prime factorization of 25 using exponents is: 52
The prime factorization of 8 using exponents is: 23
The prime factorization of 81 using exponents is: 34
The prime factorization of 363 is 3x112.
The prime factorization of 112 using exponents is: 24 x 7
The prime factorization of 36 using exponents is 32x22.
The prime factorization, using exponents, of 160 is: 25 x 5
The prime factorization for 112 using exponents is: 24 x 7
No prime power exists since there are no duplicate prime numbers in the prime factorization.
No prime power exists since there are no duplicate prime numbers in the prime factorization.
No prime power exists since there are no duplicate prime numbers in the prime factorization.