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hahahahaha NO

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Q: Can you think of one real world example of when the concept of functions might be useful with architects?
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What is a sentences using the word useful?

The example was very useful in explaining the concept.

What is the double challenge for architects?

create works that are pleasing and useful

Why was the cross section useful?

The cross section is useful as it cuts across any type of shape. This is useful for architects who will be able to see the finer details of a structure.

Why was the crossed used?

The cross section is useful as it cuts across any type of shape. This is useful for architects who will be able to see the finer details of a structure.

How can you make the concept of Change useful to you in your personal life?

If you cant give the answer of this simple question then you need a change. And this will be the example of useful change. Do your assignment yourself. Amazing! I really like the answer, Fascinating answer but Is it understandable for Questioning Person?

Meaning and concept of Socially useful productive work?

Socially Useful Productive Work

Is the biological species concept is useful only for extinct organisms?

No, biological species concept is NOT useful for extinct organisms at all, nor organisms that reproduce asexually; it is only useful for organisms that produce sexually.

Which species concept would be most useful to a team of biologists conducting a biodiversity survey?

the morphospecies concept

What functions manipulates data into useful form?


What is the use of special functions like beta and gamma functions in your daily life?

Special functions are always useful in daily life.

This type of keyboard is useful in fast food restaurants?

The type of keyboard that is useful in fast food restaurantsis called the Concept Keyboard. The concept keyboard usually has images on it for easy navigation.

Is race a useful concept?

Certainly. It helps to classify ethnic origins.