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Q: Can you think of real life examples of the wooly booger where one species has a definite advantage over another?
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Can you think of any real-life examples of the woolybooger where one species has a definite advantage over?

Dark peppered moths in England have definite advantage over light peppered moths because they have the ability to blend in with the dark sooty trees affected by pollution. The light peppered moths are at a disadvantage because they stand out to predators (birds).

What is an evolutionary advantage?

Any phenotypic trait that increases the fitness of one species over another. This could be anything that allows the species to better compete with another species occupying the same niche, obtain food/resources more efficiently, or stave off predators.

Organisms that were brought by humans from one part of the world to another are examples of?

exotic species

What advantage does sexual reproduction confer upon a species?

The principal advantage that sexual reproduction confers upon a species is the continued existence of that species. If a species does not reproduce, it will die out.

What are some examples of species in bacteria?

One example of bacteria is the Bacillus Anthrax. Another is the Streptococcus Pyogene.

Why does a sexually-reproducing species have an advantage over asexually-reproducing species?

Sexually-reproducing species have an advantage over asexually-reproducing species in their ability to use two different sex cells.

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What species ! We cannot give definite answers without knowing what species you're referring to !

Sexually-reproducing species have an advantage over asexually-reproducing species in their ability to?


What are examples of adaptive behavior?

Examples of adaptive behavior include being able to communicate effectively, manage personal hygiene, make decisions independently, take care of oneself, follow rules and instructions, and engage in social interactions with others in a meaningful way. These behaviors help individuals function effectively in their daily lives and adapt to various situations.

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What is coadaptation?

A species becoming dependent on another species .

What would be the advantage of Embryonic Diapause if the joey in the pouch was to die?

Diapause, has great advantages to the species in that if one young dies, another embryo can quickly take its place.