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Q: Can you use the SSS Postulate or the SAS Postulate to prove mc026-2.jpg and mc026-3.jpg are congruent?
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How can I prove an angle bisector?

It depends on what is given.In general, one half of the bisected angle is proven to congruent to the other half. By the Definition of an Angle Bisector, the bisected angle can be proven bisected.---- To show that two angles are congruent:One way to prove the two angles congruent is to show that their measures are equal. This can be done if there are numbers on the diagram. Use the Protractor Postulate or the Angle Addition Postulate to find the smaller angles' measures, if they are not directly marked. Then use the Definition of Congruent Angles to prove them congruent.Given that the smaller angles correspond on a congruent or similar pair of figures in that plane and form an angle bisector, the Corresponding Parts of Congruent Figures Postulate or Corresponding Parts of Simlar Figures Postulate may be used.

How do you prove In a circle or congruent circles congruent central angles have congruent arcs?

Chuck Norris can prove it

Is it possible to prove one pair of triangles congruent and then use their congruent corresponding parts to prove another pair congruent?

If I understand the question correctly, the answer is yes. Thanks to the transitive property of congruence.

Determine which postulate or theorem can be used to prove that LMO NMO?


How would you prove triangles are congruent?

You could prove two triangles are congruent by measuring each side of both triangles, and all three angles of each triangle. If the lengths of the sides are the same, and so are the angles, then the triangles are congruent... if not, then the triangles are not congruent. If the triangles have the exact same size and shape then they are congruent.

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Can you use the SSS postulate or the SAS postulate to prove triangle ABC and triangle AED are congruent?

Blah blah blah

What is the definition of AAS Congruence postulate of trianges?

It is a theorem, not a postulate, since it is possible to prove it. If two angles and a side of one triangle are congruent to the corresponding angles and side of another triangle then the two triangles are congruent.

A diagonal separates the parallelogram into?

Two congruent triangles.. To prove it, use the SSS Postulate.

How can I prove an angle bisector?

It depends on what is given.In general, one half of the bisected angle is proven to congruent to the other half. By the Definition of an Angle Bisector, the bisected angle can be proven bisected.---- To show that two angles are congruent:One way to prove the two angles congruent is to show that their measures are equal. This can be done if there are numbers on the diagram. Use the Protractor Postulate or the Angle Addition Postulate to find the smaller angles' measures, if they are not directly marked. Then use the Definition of Congruent Angles to prove them congruent.Given that the smaller angles correspond on a congruent or similar pair of figures in that plane and form an angle bisector, the Corresponding Parts of Congruent Figures Postulate or Corresponding Parts of Simlar Figures Postulate may be used.

How do you prove In a circle or congruent circles congruent central angles have congruent arcs?

Chuck Norris can prove it

Which postulate or theorem can be used to prove that triangle PRS is congruent to triangle QRS?

We cannot determine without seeing the data for PRS & QRS. My guess though would be ASA Though it could also be SSS

How can proving two triangles congruent can help prove parts of the triangle congruent?

When you prove a triangle is congruent to another, it can help you prove parts of the triangle congruent by checking the ratio between all sides and angles. Thank you for asking

what- If you are given or can prove that two triangles are congruent, then you may use CPCTC to prove that the angles or sides are?


Which theorem is used to prove that aas triangle congruence postulate theorem?

AAS: If Two angles and a side opposite to one of these sides is congruent to thecorresponding angles and corresponding side, then the triangles are congruent.How Do I know? Taking Geometry right now. :)

How do you prove that the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal?

Let's draw the isosceles trapezoid ABCD, where AD ≅ BC, and mADC ≅ mBCD. If we draw the diagonals AC and BD of the trapezoid two congruent triangles are formed, ∆ ADC ≅ ∆ BDC (SAS Postulate: If two sides and the angle between them in one triangle are congruent to the corresponding parts in another triangle, then the triangles are congruent). Since these triangles are congruent, AC ≅ BD.

What postulate or theorem verifies the congruence of triangles?

sssThere are five methods for proving the congruence of triangles. In SSS, you prove that all three sides of two triangles are congruent to each other. In SAS, if two sides of the triangles and the angle between them are congruent, then the triangles are congruent. In ASA, if two angles of the triangles and the side between them are congruent, then the triangles are congruent. In AAS, if two angles and one of the non-included sides of two triangles are congruent, then the triangles are congruent. In HL, which only applies to right triangles, if the hypotenuse and one leg of the two triangles are congruent, then the triangles are congruent.

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