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Q: Which postulate or theorem can be used to prove that SEA?
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sea = NEP Apex.

What did Vasco da Gama's voyage prove?

That their are no sea monsters and to prove that if you get to close to the water you would not get boiled alive.

How does swimming in the sea prove that salt dissolves?

high rise terminal

What is sea floor spreading and what evidence do we have to prove it is happening?

Magnetic minerals on the ocean floor.

What did Sir Francis Drake prove ny sailing Golden Hind around the cape of Good Hope?

He wanted to prove that there was another sea on the other side of Good hope.

What sea touches the shores of Great Britain Netherlands Denmark and Norway?

The Northern Sea touches the shores of all of these countries. It is very cold and choppy. As a result, this could prove hard to navigate for those at sea.

Why is boat at sea evidence for a round earth?

A boat at sea, alone, does not prove that is earth is round. However, boats can be used to prove that earth is round. This is because if the earth was flat, eventually a boat would sail to the end of earth and fall off the edge. This has never happened, so it can be inferred that the earth is round. Also, a boat can sail all the way around the world and end up right where it started, which proves that the earth is round.

Who Used sonar to prove sea floor spreading?

The researchers who used sonar to provide the first detailed evidence of sea floor spreading were Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp in the early 1950s. Tharp's mapping of the Atlantic Ocean floor using sonar revealed the presence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and provided crucial support for the theory of plate tectonics.

What is the primitive killer of the sea?

THE KILLER WHALE OF COURSE! they hunt penguins,seals,fish,squid, dolphins,sometimes even sharks,and to prove that they are the killer of the sea they even eat humpback whales.

What was Vasco Nunez de Balboa's destination?

America, wich Amerigo Vespucci named. He did it to prove that Vespucci's idea was right

How do you say sea in Irish?

farraige would be used if saying at seaormuir would be used if you are saying the Baltic sea OS the -?- sea