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Q: Can your dog be trained to hunt more than one animal?
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How do you get your pitbull to hunt?

Pits can't really be "trained" they are used almost exclusively as catch dogs in case of hogs but pitbulls will hunt smaller animals. Pits have better olfatory than the smelling breeds and have better stanima than hunting breeds. An adult pitbull will smell and run after an animal and will hunt it with no training on your part. If the pitbull is well trained, you can command him not to catch that animal or go ahead if is ok.

What were Native American boys trained to do at Thanksgiving?

It's more than likely they were trained to hunt animals for meat and search for wild vegetables, grains, nuts and berries to help provide food for the tribe.

What year was the Inuit kayak invented?

Animal skins were more plentiful than trees.

Do large animal vets get trained at a zoo?

No, veterinary students are all trained in colleges of veterinary medicine on domestic animals, including large animal veterinary students. Zoologic collection species have many different medical needs than domestic animals, so there is no reason for a large animal veterinarian who will be working with cattle and pigs to be trained on a (much more expensive as well as endangered) Sumatran rhino.

Why an animal hears more than humans?

probably because animals don't just need to go to the supermarket or the restaurant to get their food. they need to find their food or hunt for it.

Who is better Police or Marines?

Police they are better trained, also the swat team is more trained than marines!

What is General Zaroff's main reason for preferring to hunt human beings rather than animals?

Genral Zaroff's main reason for preferring to hunt human beings rather than animals is because animal has no reasoning (e.g you shoot an animal he either chooses to run or charges straight at you and you can shoot it and kill it easy which is no chalange for Genral Zaroff). A reason he chooses to hunt humans is because they can reason with you and are more of a challenge (e.g the humans General Zaroff hunts can build weapons and try to kill or attack Genral Zaroff, which Genral Zaroff think is more fun then an animal charging against him).

What structures or behaviors in your animal help it get food?

Well there's more than one way to answer this correctly, because it depends on what animal you're talking about, and what species. But if your talking about general animals like dogs, cats, or fish then generally dogs just "hunt" like wolves (to give you an example). Cats "hunt" more like tigers and less like wolves. So if you can think of another animal that each animal is related to then you can probably find your answer. Good Question!

Are zoo animal better than wild animals?

yes because they are well trained then wild life animals

Gary trained 32 more dogs than ZinaTogether they trained 126 dogs How many dogs did Gary train?

Gary trained 64 dogs.

Why is it bad to hunt deer?

Its not, hunting pits man against the animal, hunters don't always get a deer when they go hunting, more hunters go home empty handed than not.

What is dentition?

dentition is a tooth specialist . he/she is more trained than a dentist.