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Q: Changing from D to N and vice-versa will I have to step on the brake.?
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What is the interval of a scale?

An interval is the distance between two pitches. These intervals are measured in half-steps and whole steps. For example, a half-step is like C to Db. A whole step would be C to D. A major scale is made up of these steps as so: C MAJOR Whole step, Whole step, Half step, Whole step, Whole step, Whole step, Half step. C to D, D to E, E to F, F to G, G to A, A to B, B to C WWHWWWH You may have noticed that from E to F and from B to C it was a half step just as if it were from C to Db. This is because these pitches are simply a half step away from each other.

Find a c major scale?

The formula used to construct any major scale is 2 whole steps, 1 half step, 3 whole steps, and 1 half step. To find a C Major Scale, begin on note C and use the formula. One whole step from C leads to D. Another whole step from D leads to E. Then, move up one half step to F. One whole step from F is G. From G, move another whole step to A. The last whole step leads to B. Take one last half step to C. The notes of the C Major Scale in order are C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

When d-t graph is parallel to time axis what can you say about the motion?

For that period of time, d(t) (the distance) is not changing so the motion is zero velocity.

What note is the leading tone in the d sharp scale?

The leading tone in any key is one half-step below the tonic. In the key of D-sharp, the leading tone is C-double-sharp (it can't be spelled as D-natural, because the letter D is already used for the tonic).

What does P A N D A S stand for maTh?

I'm not sure what that is. P E M D A S means Please () Excuse 3 My Multiplication Dear Division Aunt Addition Sally Subtraction Order of Operations Multiplication is done at the same step as division and Addition is done at the same step as subtraction.