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Q: Could a cylinder have a pair of bases that are congruent?
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Do a cylinder have a pair of bases that are congruent?


What is the pair of congruent angles that form one of the bases of an isosceles trapezoid?

They are congruent angles.

What is prism bases?

They are a pair of congruent and parallel faces of a prism.

What quadrilateral has 2 sets of parallel sides and 2 pairs of congruent sides?

An isosceles trapezoid has a pair of parallel bases and a pair of congruent sides

How is a cylinder and triangular prism alike?

because the cylinder has a circular base and a triangular prism has a triangular base so they are both basic shapes.

What is the shape of each base of a cylinder?

The shape of each base of a cylinder is circle. Also, the base of it can be a pair of congruent or parallel.

Which pair of figures could have congruent cross-sections?

cone and prism

What three-dimensional figure with curved surfaces has a pair of parallel bases?

a cylinder

What is has 1 pair of parallel sides exactly 2 pairs of congruent and exactly 4 sides?

A trapezoid. It is a quadrilateral (4 sided) with the bases parallel and the other two sides congruent.

What trapezoid must have a pair of parallel sides and a pair of congruent sides?

An isosceles trapezoid must have a pair of parallel sides and a pair of congruent sides

Can a pair of angles be supplementary and congruent?

No, a pair of angles that are supplementary will always have a sum of 180 degrees, while a pair of angles that are congruent will have the same measure. Therefore, it is not possible for a pair of angles to be both supplementary and congruent.

An isosceles trapezoid is trapezoid with congruent bases?

No but it has congruent base angles. Also it has: One pair of parallel sides Non-parallel sides that are equal Two pairs of equal angles Diagonals that are equal