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Q: Which pair of figures could have congruent cross-sections?
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What is a real life examlpe of congruent figures?

Ex- a pair of shoes-loonies -tires on a car -

When are two similar figures also congruent?

If the scale factor is 1. That is, if a pair of corresponding sides are the same length.

Which figures have at least one pair of congruent angles?

A square, a rectangle, an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle, a rhombus ..... etc.

What trapezoid must have a pair of parallel sides and a pair of congruent sides?

An isosceles trapezoid must have a pair of parallel sides and a pair of congruent sides

Can a pair of angles be supplementary and congruent?

No, a pair of angles that are supplementary will always have a sum of 180 degrees, while a pair of angles that are congruent will have the same measure. Therefore, it is not possible for a pair of angles to be both supplementary and congruent.

Does an isosceles trapezoid have one pair of congruent opposite sides and congruent base angles?

Yes, an isosceles trapezoid has one pair of congruent opposite sides and congruent base angles

If two angles form a linear pair then they are adacent and?

congruent congruent

Do all trapezoids have one pair of congruent sides?

Yes, all trapezoids must have one pair of congruent sides.

Do all trapezoids have exactly one pair of congruent sides?

By definition, a trapezoid only must have exactly one pair of parallel sides. An isosceles trapezoid does have one pair of congruent sides, but not all trapezoids will have exactly one pair of congruent sides.

What is a pair of equal angle?

They are congruent

What shapes has only 1 pair of congruent sides?

An isosceles trapezoid only has 1 pair of congruent sides. It is drawn like this:

A quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of parrell sides and exactly 1 pair of congruent sides?

This quadrilateral is a trapezoid. In a trapezoid, one pair of opposite sides is parallel, and one pair of opposite sides is congruent. The other two sides are not parallel or congruent.