20% decrease.
Percentage increase from 50 to 70 is (20/50) x 100 = 40% Percentage decrease from 70 to 50 is (20/70) x 100 = 28.5714%
40% decrease.
The percent in the decrease of 25 to 20 = 20%
80% decrease from 350 to 70 400% increase from 70 to 350
70% decrease.
10% decrease.
Both are correct, depending on the context. If decrease is a noun then decrease of is correct. eg This year we have seen a decrease of 20 percent. If decrease is a verb then decrease by 20 percent is correct. eg This year we can decrease the price by 20 percent.
20% decrease.
20 percent decrease.
100*(42-70)/70 = 40%
The decrease in sales is 7 based on 70. The percentage decrease is 100 x 7/70 = 10%