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if i have working in a companay which has been dealing in foreign exchange. This company has seen the effects of recent exchange fluctuations and its impact on business. YOur managing director hanasked for your advice ub tge natter abd requested for a brief report on the subject. i have to write such report. personal ethics are shaped by five major influences. Describe each in detail.

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Q: Define indivdual culture variables with examples?
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Define the concept of culture Also describe the national cultural variables and individual cultural variables with examples?

they are what he country believes in most

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a) Define the concept of culture. Also describe the national cultural variables and individual cultural variables with examples.

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What are the national culture variables define with examples?

National Cultural Variables An entire country may have a series of cultural norms; individual ethnic groups within that country may accept most of those norms as well as adding their own

Define culture also define national cultural variables and individual cultural variables?

Culture refers to the beliefs, customs, and behaviors shared by a group of people. National cultural variables encompass aspects such as language, religious practices, societal norms, and historical traditions specific to a particular country. Individual cultural variables refer to personal beliefs, values, and behaviors shaped by factors such as family background, education, and personal experiences.

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examples of stock variables and flow variables stock: saving,capital,labour force, wage rate, flow: income,investment,balance of payment

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yes we can define a variable in an interface in java.

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Dance defines culture as well as itself. But the very important is culture- it presents our culture and our custom too.

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ENcyclopedia defines it

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this is only helpful in a limitted on questions......Get more answers,it is called you know. I asked what is cultural attractions.