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Q: Determine particle speed at t equals 10 s and t equals 20 s?
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What was jack's speed from t equals 5 sec to t equals 10 sec?

There is sufficient information to determine Jack's speed at t equals 10 seconds.

The speed time graph of a particle moving along a fixed direction is shown belowobtain the distance traveled by the particle between t equals 0 and t equals 10swhat is the average speed of the partic?

On a speed time graph, the distance can be calculated by working out the area underneath the line. To work out the distance travelled between t=0 and t=10 you would need to find these two values and then work out the area on the graph of the shape bound by the line of the particle, the x axis, t=0 and t=10. The average speed of the particle is the distance (calculated above) divided by 10.

D equals 10m t equals 7seconds find speed?

Speed = 10/7 m/s

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wind does speed it up because the quadirlateral of the 64 equals 10

100 meters in 10 seconds equals how much speed?

10 meters per second 100/10=10

How do you calculate distance?

We always calculate distance by multipying the speed by time. ex: I travelled in 10 min at the speed of 60km/h , so the distance equals to 60 times 10 which equals to 600 km....

What is a subatomic particle that determine an atom's chemical behavior or bonding ability?

the subatomic particles are protons neutrons & electrons which are made up of strings of length 10-10 with no height & width.

What is the ratio of the S.I. unit and CGS unit of muscle if muscle times speed equals power?

10 to the 5th power.

If x equals 10 and y equals 10 then 9x plus 8y equals?

If x equals 10 and y equals 10, then 9x plus 8y equals 170.

What is the average speed of a car that travels 600 km in 10 hours?

Average speed equals distance divided by time (speed = distance/time) Therefore the car travels 600km in 10hours so 600/10 equals 60km/h. 60km/h is equal to: 60000metres per hour 1 km per minute 50/3 metres per second

How did you determine your answer for what is the value of 10 to power of negative 8?

To determine the value of 10 to the power of -8, we can take the reciprocal of 10 raised to the power of 8. Since 10 to the power of 8 is 100,000,000, the value of 10 to the power of -8 is 1 divided by 100,000,000, which equals 0.00000001.

How do you determine the speed of a wave?

Speed of wave propagation in a particular medium is a constant and usually depends of mediums density, temperature and so on. ( Like in speed of sound ) Let's do a problem. Example: Determine the frequency of a 1 m electromagnetic wave. Solution: Since we know that the speed of light is 300, 000, 000 m/s or 3x 10^+8 m/s f= c/L= 3x 10^+8 / 1.0 3= 3x 10^+8 Hz or 300 MHz