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Q: Did Malcolm X come up with the x factor?
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What time did Malcolm X's autobiography come out?

Malcolm X's autobiography, "The Autobiography of Malcolm X," was published in 1965.

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X Factor

The hate we've sown has come home in the night?

Malcolm x

Is Katy Perry in x factor?

yes she is she will come on x factor soon

Who was Malcolm X role model?

whats up?

Who was Malcolm X's role model?

whats up?

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Malcolm X

Were did Malcolm x come from?

He was born in Omaha, Nebraska on May 29, 1925

Where does JLS the band come from?

They come from the x factor

What year did Malcolm x stand up for racism?


What name was Malcolm X when he was assassinated?

Malcolm X

Is Malcolm X single?

No, Malcolm X is not single.