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Q: Did democritus believe matter was infinitely divisible?
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Who said matter is not infinitely divisible?

The Greek philosopher Democritus (460-370 B.C) believed atoms could not be created, destroyed, or further divided.

Who originally proposed the concept that matter was composed of tiny particles?

I believe it is Democritus

Unlike Democritus Aristotle did not believe that matter was composed of tiny indivisible?


Who was the first person to use the word atom to describe the fundamental particles of matter?

I believe it was Democritus.

Did Aristotle believe matter was made of atoms?

Aristotle believed that matter was made of fire, water, air, and earth.

Who was the first person to propose the idea that matter was NOT infinitely divisible?

Democrit from Abdera, approx. 2 500 years ago.

Why did Democritus call the smallest piece of matter an atomos?

Democritus got the word atom from his mentor Leucippus. The word atom is Greek for indivisible. He said that all matter was made up of these atoms which were indivisible and indestructible.

What does Leucippus and Democritus believe about atoms?

They believed matter wasn't continuously divisible. But they couldn't explain how atoms combined to form solids, liquids, and gases. Democritus amde a comparison of any matter to a beach. When you are far away the beach looks like one thing ... a large continuous shunk of earth. As you get closer you can then see the individual grains of sand. He thought all matter was like this. As we get closer (or magnify) the matter we would eventually see that it was made of small indivisible particles. Indivisible or uncuttable was in Greek ATOMOS. This is where our word atom comes from

What did Democritus name the smallest particles of matter?

Atomos is the name Democritus gave the smallest particles.

Who thought matter is continues?


What did democritus call the particles of matter?


What did democritus and aristole think if matter is in separate bits or is it continuous?

aristotle thgt it was continuos but democritus didn't