

Did egypyians come before Romans

Updated: 10/17/2024
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Q: Did egypyians come before Romans
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It depends on what you mean by "come before". Timewise, the Romans were established many years before Jesus. However in the Bible the term "come before" means that Jesus had to stand before the Romans, that is, Pilate, for judgement as Pilate was the highest Roman official in the city and he was the only one who could pass a death sentence.

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Q. When did the Romans come into the world? A. 43BC, They came before Jesus Christ was born. Romans were the ones who tortured Jesus! Written By - Ellie Wilson

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The Ilyrian tribe. EDIT No, from Slavs, before that there were Romans, and before Ilyrians and Celts.

Why did the Romans come to England when boudicca was queen?

Read your history book. The Romans had been in Britain for about 90 years before Boudicca was queen.

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No! because she was one of the best "queens" egypyians had ever had .

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The Ethruscans ruled Italy before the Romans.

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No Romans existed way before Christianity

Who cane first vikings or Romans?

The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.The Romans were prominent in history hundreds of years before the Vikings.

How did the egypyians cut the limestone into blocks for the step pyramids?

they cut it with a needle...ya right