5229 to the nearest thousandth is simply 5229. There are no decimals to round. But if you meant "thousand", then it is 5000 because the "229" is below the cutoff of "500" (in which case you would round up). If it were 5500 or more, you would round to 6000.
Divide by 25.4
229 is a whole number. If you meant 2.29 then 2 is the answer. If you meant 22.9 then 23 is the answer.
To convert inches to feet just divide by 12 (since there are 12 inches per foot) -229 / 12 = 19.08 feet
The factors of 229 are 1 and 229. 229 is a prime number.
Percent increase = (281 - 229) / 229 = 52 / 229 = 0.227 = 22.7%
It is in inches: .229 equals 229/1000 as a fraction