Yes - all even numbers can be divided by 2
2 is a divisor of all even numbers, and a divisor is a factor of all numbers which can be divided by it.
All even numbers can be divided by 2, but they all don't have 2. For example, 1000 is a perfectly reasonable even number that doesn't have a 2 in it.
the only even prime number is 2. all other even numbers can be divided by 2.
2 is the only even prime number, because all other even numbers can be divided as 2.
All even numbers are divisible by 2.
All even numbers are divisible by 2, and they are infinite in number.
No. All other even numbers can be divided by 2.
As even means by definition divisible by 2, all even numbers can be divided by 2. Hence there is only one even prime number: 2 itself. All other even number cannot be prime numbers as they can be divided by 2, and a number is a prime number if and only if it can be divided only by itself and by 1.
All of them can be divided by 2, but not necessarily evenly. Only the even numbers from 2 to 798 can be evenly divided by two. There are 399 of those.