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No only obtuse triangles have a measure over 90 degrees:)

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Q: Do acute triangles have any measures greater than ninety degrees?
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What is the angle called that measures exactly ninety degrees?

A right angle is exactly 90 degrees.

How many degrees do the measures of complementary angles add up to?

Ninety Degrees

What type of triangle has an angle that measures 20 degrees and an angle that measures ninety degrees?

It is a right angle triangle and its 3rd angle is 70 degrees.

If the sum of the measures of two angles is ninety degrees then the angles are what?


What is a quadrilateral that's all of its angle measures are ninety degrees?

A rectangle

Is a obtuse angle greater then ninety degrees or one hundred eighty degrees?

greater than 90 degrees less than 180 degrees

What are angles that are measures more than ninety degrees called?

They are called obtuse angles.

The complement of an angle measures 52 degrees What is the measure of the angle?

An angle and its complement sum to ninety degrees. 90-52=38

What is an angle whose measure is greater than zero degrees but less than ninety degrees?

An acute angle.

What is difference in sides between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

The intersecting lines of a rectangle are at ninety degrees while the intersecting lines that form a parallelogram may be greater than or less than ninety degrees.

What is an angle more that zero degrees and less that ninety degrees?

An angle greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees is an acute angle.

What do you do if you had the hypotenuse of a right angle triangle but need to know the other two angles?

I don't believe there is enogh information to determine the angles. They must sum to ninety degrees. But there are many if not an infinite number of right triangles with the same hypotenuse whose other interior angles sum to ninety degrees.