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Q: Do all squares have congruent sides?
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Does a rectangle have all congruent sides?

No, rectangles do not have congruent sides. Squares have congruent sides.

What shape has five congruent squares in it?

What solid figure has congruent squares on all six sides

What has 6 congruent sides that are all squares?

A cube.

Do all rectangles have four congruent sides?

No, only those rectangles that are squares have four congruent sides.

Which figure has all sides congruent?

Figures that have all sides congruent are squares. Congruent shapes have the same size and the same shape. Circles can be congruent if they have the same radius.

What quadrilateral sides are all congruent?

All rhombuseses. (That includes squares.)

Are all squres congruent?

All squares are similar but not congruent because their sides may have different lengths

What has 4 congruent sides but not a square?

A rhombus, diamond, lozenge or an equilateral quadrilateral all have 4 congruent sides but are not squares.

If two squares have the same side lengths are the two squares necessarily congruent?

If two squares have the same side length for all sides, then they are congruent.

What solid figuer has congruent squares on all six sides?

A cube

What solid figure has 6 congruent sides that are all squares?

A cube

Can a rectangle be a square explain?

a rectangle has 4 right angles. A rhombus has four congruent sides. A square has four right angles and four congruent sides. All squares are rectangles because all rectangles have 4 right angles, and all squares have four right angles. But not all rectangles are squares because not all rectangles have congruent sides.