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Not always. The direction is only necessary if you're discussing
a distance vector, but you're usually not.

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Q: Do distance measurements must include magnitude unit and direction?
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Does displacement measurements must include magnitude and unit and direction?

Yes. If you leave out any of that information, then you leave the next person guessing.

What do you mean by vectare Quantity give example?

A vector quantity refers to a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Some examples of vector quantities include velocity (speed and direction), force (magnitude and direction), and displacement (distance and direction).

What are the 3 parts of vector quantity?

Vector quantities include magnitude and direction.

Is 3 blocks east a displacement?

Yes. A displacement is a vector. A vector is some sort of magnitude and a direction. Since 3 blocks is a magnitue(it is a distance) and east is a direction, the quantity is a vector, and therefore, a displacement. However, if you did not include a direction, the quantity is scalar, meaning it has magnitude, but no direction. Saying "Walk Three Blocks" could mean to walk three blocks in any direction. Not very useful. Hope this helps!

Can you include height as an example of a vector?

technically yes as height has the direction of upwards. and has magnitude.

Does displacement include distance and direction?

Yes it does!

What are vectors?

A vector is something which has both magnitude and direction. Examples include velocity which is speed (magnitude) in a given direction. When written using orthogonal components vectors are written as a column of numbers in parentheses (a one-dimensional array).

Which are vectors and which are scalars?

A scalar is a quantity that describes magnitude(size) only. It does not include direction. Examples: Distance (2 cm, 4km) Speed (50 km/h) Mass (3g, 45 kg) A vector is a quantity that describes both magnitude and direction. Examples: Displacement (6km north) Velocity (60 km/h east) Force (15N downward)

This is a quantity that has both size and direction?

Such a quantity is called a vector. A shining example is velocity itself. velocity is the rate of change of displacement- the distance moved by particle in a specified direction. Since velocity = displacement/time taken = vector/scalar, Velocity thus has both a direction and a magnitude (magnitude = speed of particle) Another examples include quantities such as Force, acceleration, displacement

What is a physical quantity that has a magnitude but no direction?

That's called a "scalar" quantity. Examples include temperature, speed, and energy.

What is a quantity that has both Magnitude and direction called?

A quantity that has both magnitude and direction often has an arrow drawn over the unit of measurement. This is known as a vector quantity, as opposed to a scalar quantity which has no direction.

The distance an object travels in one unit of time is?

"speed" or "velocity" (if you include a direction)