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Not always. The direction is only necessary if you're discussing
a distance vector, but you're usually not.

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Q: Do distance measurements must include magnitude unit and direction?
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What is know as a distance in a particular direction?

A distance in a particular direction is known as a vector. Vectors have both magnitude (size) and direction. Examples include velocity, force, and displacement.

The quantity that expresses magnitude but does not express direction is?

Scalar. Scalars are quantities that are described by magnitude only, without any direction. Examples include distance, speed, and temperature.

Does displacement measurements must include magnitude and unit and direction?

Yes. If you leave out any of that information, then you leave the next person guessing.

What is A quantity that is ignorant of direction is referred to as a?

scalar. Scalars are physical quantities that have magnitude but no direction. Examples include distance, speed, and temperature.

What is a quantity that has magnitude?

A Scalar Quantity has only magnitude whereas a Vector Quantity has magnitude as well as direction.Examples of scalar quantities are time, mass, distance, etc.

A quantity that has magnitude only is a?

A Scalar Quantity has only magnitude whereas a Vector Quantity has magnitude as well as direction.Examples of scalar quantities are time, mass, distance, etc.

What do you mean by vectare Quantity give example?

A vector quantity refers to a physical quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Some examples of vector quantities include velocity (speed and direction), force (magnitude and direction), and displacement (distance and direction).

A quantity that only includes the magnitude (size) of a measurement is a quantity.?

A scalar quantity. Scalars are represented by a magnitude and do not have a direction associated with them. Examples include speed, distance, and mass.

Which measurements involve a direction?

Vector measurements involve a direction. For example, 28km/h, E. The measurement of 28km/h is present, plus the direction, east. Displacement, velocity, force, and acceleration are examples of vector quantities.

Are vectors and scalars the same?

No, vectors and scalars are not the same. Vectors have both magnitude and direction, while scalars only have magnitude. Examples of vectors include velocity and force, while examples of scalars include speed and temperature.

What are some considered vectors?

Some common examples of vectors include force (direction and magnitude), velocity (speed and direction), displacement (distance and direction), and acceleration (change in velocity with direction).

What qualities have both magnitude and direction?

Vectors have both magnitude (size) and direction. Examples include force, velocity, and acceleration.