

Do quadrilaterals have pairs of equal angles?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Not always but all 4 sided quadrilaterals have 4 interior angles that add up to 360 degrees

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Q: Do quadrilaterals have pairs of equal angles?
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What has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 2 pairs of equal angles?

any quadrilaterals

What is the name of the set of quadrilaterals with two pairs of right angles?

A rectangle or a square are sets of quadrilaterals with two pairs of right angles. They each have two pairs of right angles and two sets of equal sides.

What quadrilaterals have 4 right angles and 2 pairs of equal sides?

A square, a rectangle, a rhombus, and a parallelogram

What is a name for a set of quadrilaterals with 2 pairs of right angles?

Rectangles have 2 pairs of right angles.

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How are a rectangle and a square alike and different?

They are both quadrilaterals with all of whose interior angles are right angles. A square has four equal sides, a rectangle has two pairs of equal sides.

What quadrilaterals have two pairs of consecutive angles supplementary and opposite angles are not congruent?

A trapezoid.

Why is a square a rhombus but a rhombus is not a square?

Both are quadrilaterals with all sides of equal length. All four vertices of a square must be right angles whereas a rhombus has two pairs of equal angles.

Contrast rectangle and rhombus?

Both are quadrilaterals. A rectangle has 4 right angles, a rhombus has 2 pairs of equal angles (at opposite corners) A rhombus has 4 equal sides, a rectangle has 2 pairs of equal sides. The opposite sides in both shapes are parallel to each other.

What is the name of the set of quadrilaterals with 2 pairs of right angles?


What quadrilaterals has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 2 pair of equal angles?

Parallelogram and Rhombus. Also true for a Rectangle and a Square but all four angles would be equal (90 degrees).

Which pairs of angles are formed by two intersecting angles?

They are equal vertical opposite angles or 2 pairs of equal angles.