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A square has four; a pentagon has five.

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Q: Do squares and pentagons have the same number of lines of symmetry?
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Do pentagons have the same number of lines of symmetry?

no they dont

Do pentagons have lines of symmetry?


What is the linear relationship between number of sides and number of lines of symmetry?

If you're talking about convex polygons with equal sides (eg. equilateral triangles, squares, pentagons, hexagons, etc.), then the relationship is a very direct one. In those cases, there are as many lines of symmetry as there are points in the polygons. A triangle has three lines of symmetry, a square has four, a pentagon five, etc.

Do all squares have the same number of lines of symmetry?


What shape has more than 3 lines of symmetry?

A circle or sphere has an infinite number of lines of symmetry.

Which figure has more lines of symmetry A square or a pentagon?

In general, a square. A square always has 4 lines of symmetry. A pentagon need not have any. Only a regular pentagon can have 5 lines of symmetry. But if you created pentagons from sides with random lengths then, assuming the pentagons existed, only a tiny fraction would be regular: most pentagons would have no axes of symmetry.

What shapes have 4 line's of symmetry?

The square is the only one I can think of. The lines are vertical, horizontal, and both diagonals.

How many lines of symmetry does a parallogram have?

Most parallelograms do not have any lines of symmetry. The only parallelograms that can have lines of symmetry are squares, rectangles, and rhombuses.

What are quadrilaterals with 4 lines of symmetry?


Do squares have diagonals that are lines of symmetry?


Can a quadrilateral have two lines of symmetry?

Yes. Some example of this are:Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)