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Usually when thinking of a rectangle we see that two parallel sides are longer than the other two. However a rectangle is just defined as having four right angles so a square can be a rectangle meaning that a rectangle may have all four sides of the same length.

A square is always a rectangle.

A rectangle is not always a square.

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Q: Do the two opposite sides of a rectangle have to be longer than the other two opposite sides?
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What is a rectangle with one pair of opposite sides longer than the other pair called?

You just described a run-of-the-mill rectangle. A special case of the rectangle, where all sides are equal, is the square. But if you have a quadrilateral with four right angles and one pair of opposite sides is longer than the other pair of opposite sides, you have a rectangle. Period.

How do you find the length of a given side if you have lengths of other sides of a rectangle?

By using the fact that opposite sides of a rectangle have the same length.By using the fact that opposite sides of a rectangle have the same length.By using the fact that opposite sides of a rectangle have the same length.By using the fact that opposite sides of a rectangle have the same length.

How is square and rectangle are different?

a rectangle has longer sides then the square then the other

What is the opposite sides of a rectangle?


Does a square have two pairs of opposite sides parallel?

yes. a square always has four equal sides. a rectangle also has four sides but one set is longer than the other.

How many equal sides does rectangle have?

A rectangle has two pairs of equal sides. In a rectangle, the equal sides are opposite of each other. A square has four equal sides.

Does a rectangle have opposite sides equall?

yes, the short sides are opposite and the long sides are also oppiste to each to each other.

Is the opposite sides of a rectangle equal?

The length and width of a rectangle is the same as the length and width of the opposite sides.

Are all sides in a rectangle parallel?

Yes opposite sides are parallel in a rectangle

What is the opposite sides are parallel?

In a rectangle, opposite sides are of equal length. So basically, the two shorter sides are the same length as each other, and the two bigger sides are equal length to each other. However, the short and long sides aren't equal.

Are all rectangles opposite siades equal?

The opposite sides of every individual rectangle are equal, but the opposite sides of one rectangle are not necessarily equal to those of another rectangle.

A rectangle has consecutive sides that are congruent?

No. A rectangle has opposite sides congruent. If consecutive sides are also congruent, then your rectangle is a square.