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Q: Do viruses all form the same crystalline shape?
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Do all viruses have the same shape?


Why crystalline solids have sharp melting points whereas amorphous do not?

"As the atoms of Crystalline solids have specific shape and same distance,so they have same K.E,intermolecular forces of attraction and geometrical shape due to which Crystalline solids are blessed sharp melting points."

Are all viruses the same shape and size?


How are shape and form alike?

Because shape and form are used at the same time and they are used by everyone and it awesome how shape and form are alike

All viruses have the same shape?

No, viruses come in all shapes. Google T even viruses, adenoviruses, HIV and other retroviruses and see all the different shapes viruses can come in. Round capsids to space ship lander shaped capsids.

Is the molecular structure of instant coffee different form natural coffee?

The molecular structure is the same. However, the crystalline structure is different.

What does a lot of cells with the same shape all doing the same job form?


What is the difference between a crystalline and an amorphous solid material?

it is because a crystalline is the solid material and an amorphous is the same

Are all viruses the same shape or size?

THere are many Different shapes and sizes of Virus' ... See here:

Is true or false that the crystals in each mineral are the same shape?

Crystals of a certain mineral have a regular formation of atoms. However, crystals of the same mineral can grow differently. The presence of trace minerals, variations in heat, pressure, and the space that they have to grow in can influence the shape of a crystal. Crystalline structures demonstrate characteristic geographic variations for these reasons.

What doesn't stay the same shape but has low density?

Gases form the shape of their container and have very low densities.

Do solids stay the same shape?

yes soilds do stay the same shape because the paritcals vibrations are very soft and are compact so much they can not move in any way shape or form