Solving this equation for x actually requires subtraction and division rather than addition and division.
No - a quotient is the answer to a division sum, not the answer to an addition sum.
Multiplication and division first, addition and subtraction second. Without brackets, that equation equals 2.
What do you mean by "and" ? If multiplication or division, the result is negative. If addition or subtraction, the sign of the result depends on which one is bigger.
It is the commutative property of addition : A+B = B+AMultiplication has the same property, whereas in subtraction and division the order of the terms changes the result.
commutative property of addition
Solving or simplifying mean the same thing in basic math. Two plus two simplifies to(equals) four.
Its commutative property of addition
The answer is the commutative property of addition.
5 + 2 x 4 + 1 =PEMDAS (parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction)5 + 8 + 1 = 14
2 plus 8 equals 8 plus 2 demonstrates the commutative property of addition
Commutativity of addition or the fact that addition is Abelian.