

Does 6 haves a line of symmetry?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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Q: Does 6 haves a line of symmetry?
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How many line of symmetry does hexagon has?

A hexagon has 6 lines of symmetry.

Does the number 6 have a line of symmetry?

When referring to the figure and shape of "6", no it does not have any lines of symmetry.

How many line of symmetry does a hexagon have?

A hexagon need not have any lines of symmetry. Or, it can have just one line of symmetry. A regular hexagon has six lines of symmetry, including three along the lines bisecting the angles and three along the lines formed by bisecting the sides. A regular hexagon has a rotational order of 6.

What numbers has a line symmetry 2 4 6 or 8?

Line symmetry is when a mirror line can be drawn so that each half is a reflection of the other half. The only one of {2, 4, 6, 8} with any possible line symmetry is the 8. Depending upon how it is written, it may have one or two lines of symmetry.

What is line of symmetry for the hexagon?

A hexagon can have 0, 1, 2, 3 or 6 lines of symmetry.

What would a z have for a line of symmentry?

z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry.

What is the difference between line symmetry and line of symmetry?

A symmetrical shape is said to have line symmetry. A shape that has line symmetry can have one or more lines of symmetry

Is 6 symmetrical?

no ****************** Draw a vertical line through the centre of the number 6. As both sides are not identical, then there is no symmetry. Do the same with a capital H, and there is symmetry, as both sides of the vertical line are identical.

Is a smiley face a line symmetry or rotational symmetry?

Line symmetry.

What shape has 6 sides and 1 line of symmetry?

an irregular hexagon... __/\__ \ / \ / \ /

What makes a line of symmetry?

what makes a line of symmetry is that it has to be shared equel.That is what makes a line of symmetry.