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Q: Does Non-parametric statistics fall in a normal distribution that reflect an ordinal scale?
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example from your business or industry that seems to reflect the normal distribution

How is the t distribution similar to the standard z distribution?

Z is the standard normal distribution. T is the standard normal distribution revised to reflect the results of sampling. This is the first step in targeted sales developed through distribution trends.

How does our Parliamentary system reflect Canada's population distribution and still protect the smaller provinces?

It doesn't but a mp represents 18000 people

How do you post ordinal shares on balance sheet?

To post ordinal shares on a balance sheet, you need to first determine the number of shares and their corresponding value. Then, create an equity section on the balance sheet and include a line item for "Ordinal Shares" with the total number of shares and their value as the amount. Finally, adjust the equity section to reflect any changes in the number of shares or value over time.

What is the difference between ordinal and nominal data?

Ordinal data has an inherent order, i.e. ranking, in its possible values. For example 'poor, fair, good, excellent' is ordinal becaused there is an assumption that the four possible values are higher from one to the next. It can be coded as 1,2,3,4 but there is no assumption of equal spacing. Nominal data has no inherent ranking, only labeling-e.g. 'apple, strawberry, orange'. The choices are three levels with no assumed value. Any numerical coding does not reflect any quantitative meaning. Georgette Asherman, Direct Effects, LLC

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Vermont does not have a large Hispanic population. The 2010 census statistics reflect that there were approximately 5500 individuals who were Hispanic or Latino.

Are women more marginal to crime than men?

Statistics reflect an ever increasing number of women becoming involved in crime, especially violent crime.

Differentiate equal distribution from equitable distribution?

Equitable refers to fairness. For example, an equal distrbution of marks in an exam would require that everyone got exactly the same score. An equitable distribution wold reflect the fact that some people gave better answers than others and so were more "deserving" of a higher mark.

What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

What is the sampling distribution of sample means and why is it useful?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

How can you reflect?

you can reflect in thought, or reflect some thing in a Mirror. There's other ways to reflect to.

What is a sentence for reflect?

I need time to reflect. The stones around the campfire will reflect the heat. A mirror will reflect your image.