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Yes, because it's basically like a cube but stretched out in one direction.

Edit: It can be stretched, to different extents, in two directions.

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Q: Does a cuboid have the same number of edges as a cube?
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Which shape has the same number of faces edges and corners as a cuboid?

It is that of a cube.

Which two shapes have the same number of edges vertices and faces?

cube and cuboid

Does the edges of cube and cuboid same?


Does a cuboid have the same number of faces edges and vertices as a cube?

Yes. A cuboid is like a cube that has been stretched out along two of its three directions.

Which solid figure has the same number of faces edges and vertices as a cube?

A cuboid, a parallelepiped.

How may sides faces edges does a cube and cuboid have?

They are both the same, A cube and a cuboid both have 6 sides, 6 faces and 12 edges

How is a cuboid different from cube?

A cube must have 6 faces, all the same size, all squares. A cuboid only has to have 6 faces. (Sometimes a cuboid is defined as a shape that has six faces that are all rectangles.) A cuboid is a broader range of solids than a cube. A cube is a type of cuboid.

What shape has 6 flat faces 12 edges 8 corners and all edges are the same?

It is a cuboid or a cube

Which 2 solids have the same number of edges?

A rectangular prism (cuboid) and a hexagon-based pyramid, for example, both have 12 edges. Of the five Platonic solids, an octahedron and a cube each have 12 edges.

How many faces vertices and edges does a rhombic prism have?

The same as a cube or cuboid. 6 faces, 8 vertices and 12 edges.

Difference between a cube and a cuboid?

All edges of a cube are the same length. A cuboid has three quartets of lines: at least one of which is of a length different from the other two. Equivalently, all sides of a cube are squares, at least some sides of a cuboid are rectangles.

Are cubiod an cube the same thing?

no - a cuboid is like three-dimensional rectangle, where as a cube is a three-dimensional square. A cube is a type of cuboid, but to class something as a cube it must have 12 equal edges, 8 corners, and six equal square faces.