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A rectangular prism (cuboid) and a hexagon-based pyramid, for example, both have 12 edges.

Of the five Platonic solids, an octahedron and a cube each have 12 edges.

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Q: Which 2 solids have the same number of edges?
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Which 2 shapes have the same number of edges and vertices?

no numbers have the same number of edges and vertices

What 2 3d shapes have the same number of edges vertices and faces?

A cube and a regular octahedron have the same number of edges, vertices, and faces. Both have 12 edges, 8 vertices, and 6 faces.

What is the relationship among the vertices's faces and edges of polyhedrons?

If you add the vertices and Faces and subtract 2 from that number you get the number of edges. Vertices+Faces=Edges+2

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Faces + Vertices = Edges + 2

How many edges does a octangonal prisom have?

10 number of faces +2 gives you the number of edges

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They do if they are the same material

What is the number of edges for a cylinder?

there is 2

How many corners has a icosahedron have?

The name most mathematicians use for the corners is vertices. An icosahedron is a 20 sided polyhedron. It is one of a group of special solids known as platonic solids. So, the icosahedron has 20 faces and 12 vertices or "corners" as you call them. It has 30 edges. There is an interesting formula that relates the number of edges, vertices and faces. V+F-2=E where V is the number of vertices, F the number of faces, and E the number of edges. In the case of the icosahedron we have 12+20-2=12+18=30 just as we expected. The nice thing about the formula is if you know two of these things, you can always find the third!

What is the formula for the number of edges on a prism?

the formula is (vertices+faces)- 2= edges

The two solids are similar and the ratio between the lengths of their edges is 27. What is the ratio of their surface areas?

4^2-1^2 or 16-1

How is the number of edges related to the number of sides?

The mathematician Euler created a formula that relates the vertices, edges, and faces/sides. The formula states that:V - E + F = 2When V is the number of vertices, E is the number of edges, and F is the number of faces.How do the number of edges relate to the number of sidesUsing simple algebra this formula can be modified so the number of edges is related to the number of faces:V - E + F = 2V + F = 2 + EV + F - 2 = EE = V - 2 + FThe edges are equal to the vertices plus the faces subtract two.How do the number of sides relate to the number of edgesUsing simple algebra this formula can be modified so the number of faces is related to the number of edges:V - E + F = 2V + F = 2 + EF = 2 + E - VThe faces are equal to the edges subtract the vertices plus two.

Is verticies and edge the same thing?

no. vertices are corners basically, and edges are edges. Eullers theorem Faces+Vertices=Edges+2.