

Best Answer

Yes. That's the definition of an equilateral triangle - all sides equal.

That's what "EQUI" together with "LATERAL" means.

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Q: Does a equailateral triangle always have congruent sides?
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If two sides of a triangle are congruent then the angles opposite those sides are congruent?


Does a equailateral triangle have 2 equal sides?

No because it has 3 equal sides but an isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides.

Which triangle always has three sides that are not congruent?

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A triangle with two congruent sides is always?

An isosceles triangle.

Are 2 equilateral triangles always congruent?

No. A triangle with 2-inch sides is not congruent with a triangle with 3-inch sides.

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Isosceles triangle

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How do you describe triangles by the sides?

Scalene Triangle- a triangle with no congruent sides Isosceles Triangle- a triangle with two congruent sides Equilateral Triangle- a triangle with three congruent sides

How many sides dos a congurent triangle have?

A congruent triangle has three sides, just like any other triangle. The term "congruent" in this context means that the lengths of the sides of the triangle are equal to each other. So, regardless of whether a triangle is congruent or not, it will always have three sides.

What is always true about a scalene triangle?

They have 2 congruent sides.

Does and isoceles triangle always have to have two congruent sides?
