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Q: Does a equalateral triangle have any right angles?
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Related questions

What is the sum of the degrees in an equilateral triangle?

The sum of the angles in any triangle is 180. This includes Equalateral triangles.

How many equal angles can a right triangle have?

A right triangle can have 2 equal angles if they are each 45° (any other right triangle will have no equal angles)

How many obtuse angles does a right triangle contain?

No right triangle can have any obtuse angles inside it.

Does a right angle triangle have any equal ositoppe angles?

A right angled triangle can have two 45° angles if it is isoceles

Does an scalene triangle have any right angles?


How many right angles do a right triangle have?

The most right angles a triangle can possibly have is 1. Any more than that, and it has to be a quadrilateral.

Which figure has no right angles but 3 sides?

Any triangle that is not a right angle triangle

What does the angles add upto in a right angle triangle?

The interior angles of a triangle add to 180 degrees. This is true for any triangle, whether it is obtuse angled, right angles or acute.

Which triangle does not appear to have any 90 degree angles?

No triangle has any 90-degree angles unless it's a right triangle. Most triangles are not.

What is the sum of the interior angles of a right triangle?

The sum of the interior angles of ANY triangle is 180 degrees.

Does a triangle have more than one symmetry?

It depends what type of triangle it is. If it is a scalene triangle, ie. a triangle with three different length sides and angles, then it won't have any lines of symmetry. If it's an iscosoles triangle, ie. a triangle with two sides and angles of equal length, it has one line of symmetry, but if it's an equalateral triangle, ie. a triangle with all sides and angles the same, then it has three lines of symmetry.

What is the greatest number of obtuse angles in a right triangle?

0. A right triangle, by definition, will never include any obtuse angles.