A square.
A rhombus.
Yes the 10 sides are all the same length
No. A kite has two pairs of sides of equal lengths. Opposite sides belong to different pairs.
All four sides of a rhombus are the same length.
All four sides of a kite need not be the same length.
A square has perpendicular diagonals. They are all the same angle (90 degrees). All sides are the same length. To find area of a square, use the formula A=4s. (Area=4xthe lenghth of the sides.)
A rhombus has four sides that are all the same length ---------------------------------------- but if you are talking about the geometric shape kite - it is not a rhombus. A kite has two adjacent sides of equal length and the other two sides of equal length. Only a square can be a rhombus.
NO!!! If all four sides where equal , then you would have a 'Rhombus'. A Kite shape has four sides, two adjacent sides are of equal length.