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Q: Does a liner graph have to go up by the same number every time?
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A line on a graph with zero slope is a horizontalline.' Y ' is the same number at every point on the line.

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They are alike in that you graph the lines in the same way, but they are different because you have to shade in one side of the line

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inter =val means the lowest number no the same number

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Can you plot the same things from a frequency graph on a line graph?

yes you can plot same things from a frequency graph on a line graph because it is the same thing :) peace

Can you display data from a circle graph on to a bar graph?

Yes you can. First, determine the percentage of the whole is represented by each slice of your circle (or pie) chart. Then make a bar for each slice that is the same percentage of the height of you bar graph. If you graph represents absolute number out of a total, the same principle applies.

How does the graph of y equals 3x2-5 compare with the graph of y equals 3x2 plus 8?

The figures are exactly the same, but every point on the first graph is exactly 13 below the corresponding point on the second one.

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It shows that the volume of a gas increases at the same rate that the temperature increases.

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