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It can, for example a square and a rectangle both have two sets of parallel sides. However, it doesn't have to. As long as there are four sides and two sets of parallel sides, it is a parallelogram. The angles don't have to be 90 degrees.

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Q: Does a paralleogram have two right angles?
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Which two angles are supplementary in a paralleogram?

Any pair of adjacent angles.

Are all angles equal in a paralleogram?


Opposite angles in a paralleogram are?

Opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent.

Can a parallelogram have 2 right and 2 acute angles?

No, a paralleogram that has even one right angle must have all right angles in order to keep the opposite sides parallel. So, a parallelogram will have either no right angles (in which case it will always have 2 acute angles and two obtuse angles) or it will have 4 right angles (in which case it will be called a square or a rectangle, and will obviously have no acute or obtuse angles).

Can a paralleogram have two 45 angles and two 75 angles why or why not?

No it cannot, because the interior angles of a parallelogram ... or of anyfour-sided figure for that matter ... must add up to 360 degrees.

What is the negation of the statement quadrilateral abcd is a paralleogram and it has a right angle?

"abcd is not a parallelogram or it does not have any right angles." ~(P and Q) = ~P or ~Q

What is the sum of the angles in a paralleogram?

360. Any quadrilateral's angles add up to 360.

Are all paralleograms rectangles?

Some paralleograms are rectangles. A right paralleogram is a rectangle. In the case of a rectangle, all angles formed by the sides are right angles and opposite sides are parallel. The sum of adjacent angles in a parallelogram is 180 degrees.

What do all the angles in a paralleogram add up to?

360 degrees.

What type of paralleogram has 4 congruent angles and sides?

it is a square

A parallelogram having four congrunt sides?

A paralleogram having 4 congruent sides means it would be a rhombus or a square if it had right angles.

What is a paralleogram with one pair of parallel angles?

I have never come across the phrase "parallel angles". Please elaborate.