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Q: Does a pentagon have 5 lines of symmetry and no right angles?
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What shape has 5 lines of symmetry and no right angles?

a pentagon

A shape with 5 lines of symmetry and no right angles?


What shape has 5 lines of symetry and no right angles?

A pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry and no right angle.

What shape has four right angles but only two lines of symmetry?

A rectangle. Obviously the right angles are in the four corners of the rectangle. The lines of symmetry occur across the horizontal and vertical. There are no lines of symmetry on the diagonal.

How many perpendiclar lines does a pentagon have?

None, since there are no right angles in a pentagon. The angles are 360/5 = 72o

How does a pentagon have 5 lines of symmetry?

The Pentagon has 5 lines of symmetry quite simply, actually. See, say you made one line straight through the pentagon at every vertex, right? Well, once you do that, you have 3 lines of symmetry in total, right? Now, say you make another 2 lines of symmetry, this time right through the center of each side. In total, this would make 5.

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What is the property of a square?

it has four right angles and has four lines of symmetry

What quadrilateral has 2 lines of symmetry and 4 right angles?


What is a property of a square?

it has four right angles and has four lines of symmetry

What shape has 4 right angles and 2 lines of symmetry?

A rectangle.

What is the name of the triangle with no lines of symmetry and no right angles?

A scalene triangle that is not right angled.