A rectangle has 2 parallel sides- the two longest sides are parallel with each other, as are the 2 shortest sides.
rectagle ONE pair of parallel sides would be a trapezium or a trapezoid.
What is the equation for isolating you when 200ft of fencing used for three sides
yes and no. both are quadrilaterals and polygons,but a square has all equal sides while a rectagle doesnt have all equal sides only opposite sides are equal.
A square has four parallel sides (two pairs of parallel sides).
A hexagon (6 sides) has three sets of parallel sides.
No. The sides of a cylinder are not parallel.
A kite has no parallel sides
Its opposite sides are parallel.
octagons do not have parallel sides
A square has parallel sides. A rectangle has parallel sides.
An irregular quadilateral has no 2 parallel sides . A trapezium has a par of parallel sides , which means that it HAS two parallel sides.
The angles between the sides that are parallel are congruent.The angles between the sides that are parallel are congruent.The angles between the sides that are parallel are congruent.The angles between the sides that are parallel are congruent.