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Not only does a rhombus always have one pair on parallel opposite sides, but it always has two! A rhombus is usually defined as a simple polygon of four sides where all the sides are the same length." If this is true of a figure then both pairs of opposite sides have to be parallel. Here is a proof for those who are interested.

If there is only one pair of parallel sides in the figure, then it is a trapezoid. A rhombus is a trapezoid too.

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Q: Does a rhombus have one side of parallel sides?
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What 3quadrilatrals have 1 parallel sides?

You cannot have 1 parallel side; in a quadrilateral a side must be parallel to another side. A trapezium has one pair of parallel sides. A parallelogram, with special cases of a rhombus also have a pair of parallel sides. In fact they have two pairs of parallel sides but the question does not limit the number of parallel sides to one. (NB the rectangle and square are special cases of the parallelogram and rhombus.)

Can a rhombus ever be a trapezoid?

No, a rhombus can never be a trapezoid. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, and a rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides.

Is a rhombus aways a parallelogram?

AnswerYes, a rhombus is always a parallelogram because no matter what happens the sides across from one another will be parallel. Answerpretty sure it is. no they are not because a rectangle is not a rhombus you were wrongANSWER:A rhombus is not a parallelogram, because the side intersect with one another.ANSWER:A rhombus is always a parallelogram because it has two sets of parallel sides.

How is a trapezoid different from a rhombus?

A rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides; all four sides are of equal length. A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, the other two sides are not parallel.

What is the difference between trapezoid and a rhombus?

A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, a rhombus has two.A trapezoid can have at most three sides of equal length, though it need not have any. All four sides of a rhombus must be the same length.

What is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite sides that are parallel?

a rhombus* * * * *No, a rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides. A trapezium has only one pair.Trapezoid

Can you show me a big rhombus?

A rhombus is a shape with one pair of parallel sides. I has four sides and angles.

Does a rhombus only have one set of parallel lines?

No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides. A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram. It has all four sides equal length.

You have parallel opposite sides but you are not a rectangle what are you?

If both sides are parallel, the figure can be a square, rectangle, rhombus, or parallelogram. If only one side is parallel, the figure can be a trapezoid, or isosceles trapezoid. In Britain, trapezoids are called trapeziums.

How many parellel sides does a rhombus have?

A rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides. Each of its four sides is parallel to one of other three. These statements are true of any parallelogram, not only of rhombera .

If square rhombus and trapezoid are placed in a pile which figure should be separated based on parallel sides?

A rhombus is an equilateral quadrilateral. Every rhombus is a parallelogram, and a rhombus with right angles is a square. A trapezoida is four-sided figure with one pair of parallel sides.So if you placed a square and a rhombus in a pile, they are both parallelograms and would have parallel sides. You can put them together. The trapezoid only has one pair of parallel sides.

Does a rhombus have one pair of opposite sides parallel?

Yes. (and more).