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No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides. A rhombus is a special case of a parallelogram. It has all four sides equal length.

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Q: Does a rhombus only have one set of parallel lines?
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Does a rhombus have only one pair of parallel lines?

No, a rhombus always has two pairs of parallel lines

What quadrilateral has only one pair of parallel lines?

A rhombus, i think

Does a rhombus have two or one parallel?

A rhombus is a type of parallelogram; it has two sets of parallel lines.

Can a rhombus be a parellelogram if so why?

Not only can a rhombus be a parallelogram, it must be one. A rhombus is a quadrilateral which has two pairs of parallel lines. That makes it a parallelogram.

What is a parallel figure?

A shape that has all parallel sides, like a square, rectangle, or a rhombus. A trapazoid wouldn't be one because only one set of lines are parallel.

Does a rhombus have any lines that are parallel?

Yes. Each side of a rhombus is parallel to the one opposite it ... the one that doesn't connect to either of its ends.

What is the difference between trapezoid and a rhombus?

A trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, a rhombus has two.A trapezoid can have at most three sides of equal length, though it need not have any. All four sides of a rhombus must be the same length.

What is a rhombus with only one pair of opposite sides parallel?

It is an impossible figure. It is either a rhombus and has two pair of opposite sides that are parallel, or it has only one pair and is not a rhombus.It is an impossible figure. It is either a rhombus and has two pair of opposite sides that are parallel, or it has only one pair and is not a rhombus.It is an impossible figure. It is either a rhombus and has two pair of opposite sides that are parallel, or it has only one pair and is not a rhombus.It is an impossible figure. It is either a rhombus and has two pair of opposite sides that are parallel, or it has only one pair and is not a rhombus.

Why rectangles and rhombuses are also parallelograms?

Well, A Rectangle is a parallelogram because there are 4 sets of lines that are parallel :) I dont know about the rhombus sorry :(! ~ A rhombus is only a parallelogram if: 1. It is a regular rhombus (where all the sides are the same length and there are 2 sets of parallel sides) 2. There is at least one pair of parallel sides.

What quadrialateral has only one pair of parallel sides?


Does a rhombus have only one pair of parallel sides?

No, two.

Do a rhombus and a trapezoid have one pair of parallel sides?

No, a rhombus has two pairs of opposite, equal, parallel sides; whereas a trapezoid has only one pair of opposite, parallel sides of different lengths.